Month: February 2023

Woman smiling in field after overcoming depression.

My Top 5 Skills to Overcome Depression

Depression is one of my clients’ most common struggles, and I’ve had to climb out of that pit, too. There are many tools you can use to manage it, but when you’re feeling this low it’s hard to know where to start. Here’s what helped me overcome depression, simplified. Perhaps it will help you, too.

Woman looking out window, considering she might be depressed.

4 Signs You Might Be Depressed

Depression is one of the most common mental issues, and co-occurs with many other illnesses like anxiety, bipolar disorder and substance abuse. But despite its frequency, it can still be hard to tell if you’re dealing with “real” depression, or just having a bad day. So let’s explore some of the symptoms I most commonly see. If these sound real familiar, you might be depressed.